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Art shoes
Art shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral blue shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral blue shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral red shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral red shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral orange shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral orange shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral green shoes
Goodyear Whole Piece Balmoral green shoes
Purple Eel shoes
Purple Eel shoes

Art Shoes

The models seen here are hand-sewn. However, the shape of the shoe lasts is not the traditional or classic style, but is instead form-breaking, following current trends in fashion. Recommended for those who prefer fashionable but traditional, individual footwear.
